So many across the country and world are creating and deepening their capacity to create systems that support people in being knowledgeable, reflective, compassionate, engaged and skillful. Such community members share our wisdom and gifts for the benefit of individual, collective and environmental thriving. As part of this work, many are also striving to deepen the ability of institutions to embody various forms of intersectional equity (internally and externally), toward their missions and healthy, vibrant, joyful societies. My work supports such efforts.
I’ve worked in equity and systems change nationally and internationally for nearly 30 years, and coined the term “deep equity.” My offerings in these areas have ranged from partnering with and providing support to nonprofits, philanthropic organizations, consulting firms, government institutions, colleges/universities, and school districts in strategy planning and multi-year, organization-wide, deep equity transformation processes. This work includes: comprehensive assessment, vision, strategy, alignment, healing, organizational development, change management, long-range planning, individual and team coaching. I particularly support systems to address the Spiritual & Energetic Dimensions of Equity-Embedded Systems Change™, which is often where teams, individuals & organizations find blockages to realizing the depth & full potential of the goodness in their work. I also often partner with other researchers, think tanks, policy advocates, and community organizers; engage in public speaking and presentations; and lead and co-author many publications, tools and frameworks.
"It is rare to meet an individual who has a deep understanding of what it means to set ego aside and engage in a collaborative process to find new solutions to the inequities that plague our world. Sheryl Petty is a masterful facilitator who lives her convictions and brings together people who often appear to approach an issue from opposing positions. She has been an invaluable thought partner to me in the fight for justice.”
—Janice Jackson, Education Consultant; Former Senior Associate, National Equity Project; Former Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Education
Approach & Sample Clients:
A Change Management & Deep Equity Primer: What, Why, How & Nuance, released in partnership with Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO), 2023.
Leadership Montgomery (MD), facilitating capacity building session and tools with cohort of DC regional leaders on the intersection of equity, change management and inner work / contemplative practice
FSG (international consulting firm): Led multi-year equity assessment and alignment process, leading to upgraded understandings of competency, performance assessment, deeper training and further embedding equity into core aspects of their mission and vision
LGBTQ Center (New York City) – Leading internal equity capacity building
Baltimore’s Promise (a city-wide, collective impact effort) – co-facilitation with Management Assistance Group (MAG)
Meyer Foundation (DC) – Led multi-year equity capacity building effort with board and staff, including organizational assessment of internal and external work, alignment sessions, coaching, strategy development, and implementation support
GEO (Grantmakers for Effective Organizations) — Supported organizational healing and culture building, aligned with strategy; working with leadership, staff and board
United Philanthropy Forum – Led early internal equity capacity building; co-led equity cohorts across members
Meyer Memorial Trust (Oregon) – Coaching senior leader on strategy, equity & embedding across team and institution
Borealis Philanthropy — Racial Equity to Accelerate Change Fund (REACH) Advisory Committee member
Other philanthropic consulting — Panasonic Foundation (NJ); Fairfield County’s Community Foundation (CT); Raikes Foundation (WA); Kresge Foundation, Fostering Urban Ethical Leadership (FUEL) program
New Models Working Group (a consortium of regional and national funders including Ford Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, Sandler Foundation, Nellie Mae Foundation, National Public Education Support Fund, Stuart Foundation, Southern Education Foundation) – co-facilitation with Movement Strategy Center; joint strategy development for transforming public education in the U.S.
Half Hollow Hills Central School District (NY), facilitated session with Leadership Council on equity and student success
Hartford Public Schools (CT), strategic advising on equity, for their future directions strategy planning
National Urban Alliance for Effective Education (NY) – invited presentation to Superintendent’s Symposium on Promoting Lasting Transformation in School Systems
Southern Education Foundation and the Center for Popular Democracy – facilitation of southern strategy convening to advance public education
Sample Publications, Frameworks & Presentations:
Systems Change & Deep Equity: Beyond ‘Eureka!,’ Pathways Toward Sustainable Impact. Monograph 2020.
“Seeing, Reckoning & Acting: A Practice Toward Deep Equity,” Overview of institutional equity transformation; (coined the term “deep equity” after helping build Change Elemental’s equity practice & strategic approach).
Phillips Academy, Andover, MA. Keynote Presentation. Annual Independent Secondary School Health And Wellness Summit. "Cultivating Reflective, Kind, Knowledgeable & Engaged Human Beings."
Minnesota Education Equity Partnership. Keynote Presentation. "Deeper Pathways to Educational Equity: Personal Transformation, Systems Change & Movement Building."
Book Chapter on higher education in Educating for an Ecological Civilization: Interdisciplinary, Experiential and Relational Learning. Chapter 4: "Field-Building, Equity & Transformation: What We Can Do, How to Do It, and Who We Need to Be." Process Century Press, MN.
Supporting Sustainable Improvement in School Systems: Capacity Building for Equity and Excellence. In Opening the Doors to Opportunity for All: Setting a Research Agenda for the Future. Select Series Essays from the Research Roundtable on Equity and Opportunity in Education. (p.64-74). Washington, D.C: The Equity Project, American Institutes for Research (AIR).
Framework: The New Frontier: An Integrated Framework for Equity & Transformative Improvement in Education. Oakland, CA: California Tomorrow.
Petty, S. and Zion, S. Student Voices in School and District Improvement: Youth-Adult Partnerships for Student Success and Social Justice. In Ability, Equity, and Culture: Sustaining Inclusive Urban Education Reform (Disability, Culture, and Equity Series). Eds. Kozleski, E. and K. T. King. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University.
Gazmuri, S. K., Petty, S., and Porter, E. Equity-Driven Systems Change (ESC) Toolkit. A change management toolkit with rubrics and facilitator guides for improving educational institutions. Oakland, CA: California Tomorrow.
“Education for Equity & Justice: What’s Needed & What’s Possible for Systems Change?” Panel Presentation. International Education Think Tank. Education for Race and Justice: Education for What Ends? Preparing Children and Youth for an Interdependent World. Harvard Center for Global and International Studies, Advanced Leadership Initiative. Harvard University.
"The relevance of Dr. Petty's work for the times we find ourselves in public and urban education speaks for itself. At the core of the problems we face are issues of equity, cultural responsiveness and social justice. Dr. Petty's Equity Framework, coupled with her master facilitation of diverse audiences of stakeholders, create the space, language and conditions necessary for all of us to enter what often are uncomfortable and scary, yet non-negotiable conversations—if we are indeed going to tackle the beliefs, practices and systems that perpetuate inequities and do real service to entire communities and particular groups of students."
—Gislaine Ngounou, Former Chief of Staff, Hartford Public Schools (CT); Vice President of Strategy & Programs, Nellie Mae Foundation