To Live, to Love & to be Free…
What will save the world? Our love. The only way to love is to come home to ourselves.
What are we still holding onto? What are we holding onto so tightly that we can’t let go of? Hatred? Greed? Disrespect? Anguish? Hurt? Trauma? Vice? Fury? Rage? Control? Unknowing? Grief? What are we holding on to that is blocking us from our own innate wisdom? The drama of life?.. We can learn to find our innate wisdom in this moment. We all know it’s there; deep down, we know; our home is there / here. Our innate wisdom is t/here for the finding, for the relishing in and with and at and to and from; for being here… Why are we holding on so tightly, that we can’t let go of our anguish, grief, sadness, trauma, hope and fear? That we would rather stay suffering than live well, for, and with one another, fearless and joyful and free? What are we holding onto that we wouldn't rather find our joy & our innate sanity? Why are we holding on such that we would rather not live in our natural wisdom and be free? At some point, no one can keep it from you; no one can take it; you cannot be fooled; it’s a choice. Find this; live.